

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Langkawi - the girls maiden flight

Ah, it's been a loooooonnnggg time since I logged into this space. Time has been a luxury since the year began, so the recent family trip to Langkawi (already paid in advance since Dec'06) was really a blessing.

The Belacans family finally flew to Langkawi for a 3 night stay at a secluded resort. It was the first time the girls flew on a plane. Suzanne was excited about flying in a plane and we allowed her to sit by the window with her grandmothers (yes, both Mrs B and my mom came along).

But as for toddler SueAnne, she was quite terrified. Thankfully, Mrs B came prepared. She had some of SueAnne's favourite bread and we let her munch along the way. She was only really scared during take-off and landing due to the vibrations and sound of air turbulence. But on the flight back from Langkawi, we didn't buy her some bread so I ended up hugging/carrying her 90% of the flight time in my arms while seated and buckled down. It wasn't long before both toddler and I fell asleep. I hope I wasn't snoring, heh!

Oh, must comment this about Air Asia's timeliness. We have all heard about grouses on Air Asia's delayed or cancelled flights. For our flights to and fro Langkawi, we were pleasantly surprised that we took-off on time and touched down 15 minutes earlier. Yup, no complaints from this customer :)

But we were quite disappointed on LCCT. Firstly, it's further by road and no ERL. Two, the place is a bit small for a regional low cost carrier terminal. Only two baggage carousels? Ai yai yai!

More Langkawi pics and stories to follow, promise ;)

Belacans says... "must make another trip back to Langkawi, hehehe"


Anonymous said...

Hurry picts please...can't wait to see your girls in action!

Anonymous said...

Wow..!! bliss..!!

domesticgoddess said...

You've been tagged! muahahahar...

Buaya69 said...

jason: no beer. liquer yes. *cough cough*

che-cheh: ok ok!

mama_bok: this would be summer for you ;)

dG: what? where?

domesticgoddess said...

check my wordpress site.

Gene Lim said...

ahh the girls has grown soo much! :)
They are very adorable..well done Mr and Mrs B!