

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My mom has breast cancer

I left early from work yesterday i.e. at 6pm. Picked my mom up from home and off we went to UMSC. Traffic was good to us so we arrived before 7pm but we had to wait until 8.30pm before her name was called.

It's confirmed. At the age of 66, my mom has breast cancer but thankfully, only stage 1. Surgery is scheduled for Wednesday 18 April with 5 days of rest at the ward.

In the meantime, toddler SueAnne is having cough and high fever, Suzanne is having cough and Mrs B is down, floored, by flu, cough and high fever.

Me? I'm getting fatter.

Buaya69 says... "Keeping my chin up as things can only get better, right?"


gianne said...

It's fortunate that the cancer was detected early. Hope your mom will feel better soon!

Wah, everyone in Belacan family is sick 'cept for you? The task of chicken soup stirring is now in your hands XD

dobbs said...

Very sorry to hear about your Mum but thankful it was diagnosed early. Praying for a quick recovery for her and your whole family.
Take care!

fishtail said...

So sorry to hear about the diagnose, but as Dobbs and Gianne commented, it's good to be detected early. Chances of removal good. All the best to her, and "Quick Recovery" to the rest of the Belacan family!

5xmom.com said...

Sorry to hear this news. Will keep her in my prayers.

And double sorry to hear that you...are getting fatter. LOL. No lah, please send my regards to Mrs. B, ok? Hang in there!

Admin said...

Sorry to hear, but chins up brother!

Anonymous said...

Hope everything turn out all right.

Anonymous said...

Everyone (except the one who is getting fatter) is in my prayer. No offence ya MrB...hehe.


Buaya69 said...

Dear All: thanks for the concern and prayers. Mom is in better spirits on learning that it's only Stage 1. Doctor said 90% probability of full recovery. Pray that all goes well. ;)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your mom .. MrB. I hope all is well by now.. :) you take good care..! and prayers for you and your family.. all year round.. :)

Anonymous said...

don't worry. trust in the lord and yes pray and everything's will be all right.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear abt ur mom. But Stage 1 should be ok. and u...u getting fatter ! how can....all ur old flames will be devastated !hehe

domesticgoddess said...

The doc has given her good prognosis full recovery, you gotta have faith ya!
Wish your mom, mrs and pricesses speedy recovery. :)
psst... pinggang tambah berapa inci? :P *runs*

Buaya69 said...

mamabok & lucia: thanks :)

shky: oi! shhhh :P btw, got 18yo single malt whisky with me. *cough cough*

dG: thanks. on inci, let's say i am looking for a new belt? *cough cough*

Gene Lim said...

I am sorrie abt the bad news... Will pray for u...Don't worrie..ur family will be in good hands of GOD!

Papi said...

auntie buaya, hope u get well soon. Thank god it's still in early stage. I think the key to combat breast cancer is early detection. Get well soon.