

Monday, July 03, 2006

Happy 2nd birthday SueAnne

Last Saturday was SueAnne's 2nd birthday. Yup, two years liao, how time flies.

I still remember clearly that nite at the labour room. Out she comes with the loudest wail you have ever heard. Even the gynae said, "Wow, she's loud. Good lungs!"

Hence with good lungs, two years later I could clearly hear from downstairs, "Daddyyyy! Caaakkkeeee! Maaarrmaarrr (grandmother), caaakkkeee!". Yup, SueAnne's a good screamer alright. Honestly, I have never heard her scream like that before. Looks like all kids are lovers of cakes, hehehe, very impatient lot too :)

But I did notice one very distinct fact..... SueAnne's afraid of lighted candles! Asked her to blow out the candles and she just stood there frozen, not flitching at all. Hence after singing Happy Birthday, her elder sister Suzanne had to blow out the candles for SueAnne. After that, SueAnne's back to her lively chirpy self.

Now if need be, I have a tool to keep her quiet already, muahahahahahar!

Belacans says... "It's fun being an 'evil' dad, hehehe"


Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday to sueanne. yes times flies. soon sueanne will be running around the house. :)

fishtail said...

Happy birthday, kiddo! Isn't she lucky to be able to watch the World Cup so early in her life?

Anonymous said...

Well..!! happy belated birthday ..SueAnne..!!

5xmom.com said...

Happy birthday to SueAnne and God bless!

To Mr. B, don't be too sure of the 'sked of fire' yet. You probably won't get to eat teppanyaki, steamboat, BBQ or anything with open fire for the next few months 'cos of the fire. I know mine did. He was sked of fire and won't go near any place with fire. Duh.

Egghead said...

Happy Birthday to little SueAnne!

apa lah... bully kid with fire :P

Gene Lim said...

Happy Birthday SueAnne.
God Bless you with good health and be happy always :)

Buaya69 said...

jason: hey bro, thanks

lucia: ahem, she's already running around the house now! wished she can just walk but no... running she goes, heh!

fishtail: ya, and watch daddy scream at Argentina for not scoring, ahaiks!

mamabok: thank you :)

lilian: izzit? wah, then i go makan sendiri lor, muahahahahar! *i am so dead with Mrs B liao*

egghead: she will definitely haev memories of her daddy for this until tua-tua, good mah, rite?

genelim: tq tq :)

Mumsgather said...

Happy Birthday to cute lil' Sue Anne. She's growing up fast, right before your very eyes eh? In no time at all, you'll have to sharpen your fangs to keep the other buayas at bay.

IMMomsDaughter said...

Happy Belated Birthday Sue Ann!

mama23beas said...

Now you think it's fun to be an 'evil' dad ya, see la what Sue Anne can do when you tua...hehe.

Anyway, happy belated n'day to lil Sue Anne.

domesticgoddess said...

happy birthday SueAnne!
hahah... probably she was mesmerized by the flame?

Buaya69 said...

MG: if I have my way, she will have the Buaya's for tea, muahahahar!

IMMD: SueAnne says "ang koo koo!"

Mama2: Nah, this daddy is too cute, heh!

dG: No, she was seriously paralysed by the flickering flame, dang...