Our bedrooms are nothing to shout about. Plain 30 year old parquet flooring and mattresses on the floor instead of beds (very good for rolling for one end to the other end! *cough cough*). I don't have pics of both rooms but their colour scheme looks something like the photo below.

Suzanne's room
Now, what
Last December, our kind neighbour gave us their steel frame bunker bed, with a desk underneath. Suzanne loved it and has already claimed that as her own. A priviledge of being the first born, hahaha! That bed is already in Suzanne's room. I have also changed the lights and installed a cute lady bug light but.... she didn't like the cute lady bug! She said "scared scared". Sigh... wasted all the effort. So Mrs B has taken upon herself to search for another cute cute light. I wonder what she will buy? A Hello Kitty, perhaps?

Hmmm, shall it be romantic? Or calming? Or warm? Need to work this out together with Mrs B. I remember reading somewhere, about colours and hues, something like:
- Red, Orange, Yellow = Hot/active colours, helps to perk you up, gives energy
- Blue, Green, Purple = Cool/passive colours, soothing, calming effect
- White, Tan, Grey = Neutral colours

OK, let's wait and see. August is going to be an ultra busy month for me... deadlines here, meetings there, a board meeting scheduled this month, site visits and then... MERDEKA! Brings a whole new personal perception to our Independence Day, hehehe!
If anyone has good colour suggestions or nice links, do put them in my comments.
Belacans says.... "dear, cannot sleep leh, room colour too romantic wor..." :P
Lilian too the ciplak fengshui master says...Paint the bedroom peachy for romantic love but Mr. B must not display any cock (ayam jantan la) or mou tan flowers in the bedroom. Otherwise, Mrs B will have a hard time taming the Buaya. Also no water feature in the bedroom like waterfall paintings because these are too yin, i.e. may dampen the spirit. No plants around also because this is chi is too strong and may cause interuppted sleep. *sheesh*
but.. but.. my whole house is also white woh?
though when I have my own house next time, I'd like to have a red room hehe
my fav. colours are black and white so i guess if i have my own room, it'll be black and white.
heh. such dull colours. but then i'm a dull person, so figures. ;)
seriously, soft pastel colours are always good for the bedroom. if you want romantic, i suggest very light pink!
when i was young, i told my mom i wanted my room pink. it was pink! :)
Now I like magnolia and wall papers.
Depends on the size of your room, dude. Small rooms don't take dark colours well. Normal rooms in terraced houses should be cream coloured. The light colour give the impression that the room is larger than it actually is. You don't want to feel claustrophobic.
I love yer color schemes..!! so envy leh..!! mine also all white for now.. !! feels a little plain at home too.
My master is painted apple green and the same for my kids rooms. All the 3 rooms upstairs apple green.(walls)Try the light/pastel colours, it's much better and safer.
The apple green looks ok not too bright or too dark.
Very nice.... room layout...
"dear, cannot sleep leh, room colour too romantic wor..."
switch of the lights, ma kenot see romantic colours liao loo~!
but then sometimes, it depends on the heart geh.... ;p
purpleish and tan white is great...
pastel light purple colour with the rice white also great...very light...not streesful...
strong colour very stress lah...regretted painting my room bright orange and pastel peach... yaya...i know....
but i like striking orange and red...
anyhow..regretted it..coz i always very tension in my room...cannot rest...
oOo. looks nice. try STARWARS THEME ok? :P
Lilian: *nods head* ic ic. tq aunty lilian "too".... *grinz*
reta: RED? erm... for love-making izzit? *wink wink*
kiasi: sky blue? tak mau ler, nanti always go to toilet! hehehe
lucia: you a dull person? noooooo... ;)
eileen: magnolia? hmmm, thanks for the idea :)
viewtru: true true (eh, it rhymes with you nick) ;)
bbok: i think bright yellow will look nice in winter, yes? hehehe
thquah: ya ya, apple green. it's one of the colours being considered. but i had apple green g4 at my mom's house. somehow it felt... old, after sometime ;)
soohk: eh, not my real room lar, internet punya ;)
narrowband: ahem... sometimes you need excuses leh *cough cough*
zbjernak: hehe, then go and re-paint again lor ;)
ky: phew, i thot you gonna say use WINDOWS theme! kekeke
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