

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Best Dressed Diswasher Award

Moving on from Aunty Lilian's post on The Traditional Husband, I hereby anugerah myself the "Best Dressed Dishwasher Award".

Some of you readers from my previous blog, may remember that the Belacan family have been maid-less since April 2004 after the last indon maid cabut lari. For almost a year now, Mrs B and Belacan have been sharing the household tasks. Today, I wanna blog about one of them.

Almost 99% of the nights, Belacan will be the lelaki jati washing the dinner dishes coz MrsB will either be breastfeeding baby SueAnne or doing some other household chores. And because Belacan very the gaya wan, he will go cuci all the pinggan mangkuk and pots still in his office slacks and longsleeve shirt!

Hey, washing dishes got system punya, you know? cannot simply cuci cuci wan. My general guideline is cuci in order of how you wanna arrange them on the dish strainer. If simply cuci, you may find yourself out of space on the dish strainer. And the quality of the dishwasher liquid detergent does matter!

Hmm, maybe I should author a "Washing the dishes for Dummies" book...

Belacan says... "woi! who stole my scouring pad?"


eyeris said...

In my house, we have a rule. whoever did not help out with the cooking has to clean up after the meal.

Guess who always kena cuci pinggan... sigh...

Anonymous said...

bwahahaha.... i think it will be really helpful for you to post the step by step instruction on how to cuci pinggan so that next time, i can go show off to lenglui!!!!

5xmom.com said...

And don't forget to sing the kesian Hokkien song that my atm sings everytime he does housework. While singing, he pretend to sob-sob. It goes like this :
Wa si chi leh phai mia lang...
Jit meh jit meh tiuk chor kang...

(I am an unfortunate person,
Day and night have to work)

Then, he proceeds to sigh...
'Why la...I never listen to my mom'


Anonymous said...

Just work in a restaurant cleaning dishes for 8 hours a day in a hot, steaming stinking kitchen for a couple of weeks.

Til you've done that, you honestly don't know shit about cleaning dishes, and yeah I did it ;)

MooPig said...

Why don't you get a dishwasher? A dr. once told me dishwasher is essential. I quote what he told me 'if you husband ever divorce you one day, take the dishwasher with you!'.

But sadly... I still haven't gotten myself one. But I do enjoy washing dishes! :)

5xmom.com said...

Don't believe that. In fact, I left my dishwasher in the house I sold. Reason? It takes a lot of plates for one wash and sometimes, we have to wait for 3 days to accumulate that many. And it is hellish to load them at the proper shelves, compartments and even more hellish-er to unload. In the end, we gave up. 'Cos u know la, we Asians makan with different cutleries than the angmohs. *signed : kitchen consultant*

Wingz said...

i dont think anyone here would wash more dishes than me in my lifetime :) I done so much thats why i refused to do anymore dishes anymore!!! haha

ThatJames said...

Heh. These days we work so much we're eating out most of the time. So, no dishes. No complaints here! :)

Saffron said...

Ugh, I hate doing the dishes. There's an unwritten rule that I do all the ironing in return for not doing the dishes. :)

Come buy a hairclip for little Suzanne. *grins*

Anonymous said...

Such a goog guy - no, great guy. I know whome to give my key, when I am on leave, lol. You would really take care, rite?

Buaya69 said...

eyeris/mcsc: hahaha! time to pick up boiling soup, so then no need to wash lor ;)

mossie: alamak! woi brader, tis skill no need to show off to GF wan ler. it will come naturally after you kahwin, muahahahar!

jason: no ler, me tak pakai apron wan. cramp my stylo mylo only, hehehe ;)

lilian: LOL! LOL! eh, next time i go karaoke with your ATM can ar? we definitely go a lot of things in common ;) ;)

ST: hahaha! yeah, did that for for 3 months while waiting for my STPM results. didn't break any plates! ;)

twinsmom: think? hehe, Belacan mya brain stop thinking when doing dishes. if Mrs B talk to me, gotta start up brain again. LOL :)

Buaya69 said...

eileen: dishwasher? Mrs B may say "got free dishwasher at home already, no need to waste money lar" kekekekee! ;)

Lilian: ya ke? wah, got 4+1 kids still take 3 days for full load? must be a big dishwasher ;)

wingz: bro, you really MACHO man :P

james: wah, eat out quite fattening leh. careful ya, nanti gotta buy new pants (like me)... expensive affair leh ;)

saffron: wah, ironing lagi susah kan? but if enjoy, ok lar. hairclips? i want i want, but no time to go MV yet ler :(

andreas: ya, gimme the keys. *grinz... time to partyyyyyy and play wif your PS2!* muahahahar!

mystic said...

Argh, washing dishes? *sob* I wish there's someone to wash dishes for me.....:(

Anonymous said...

Ah, washing dishes, belacan? That's my choice of housework too, when we were maidless between our two daughters. I much prefer washing, rather than cooking or ironing. Washing gives you almost instant gratification of a squeaky clean dish/cup much more often than cooking or ironing. ;-)

regards, sabre23t =^.^=